New Year, New List

I have no idea if any of you will be interested in this post, but public accountability is a good thing, right? Before I go into this year’s goals, I took a quick look back at what I wrote last January. Overall, I think I did reasonably successfully. The thing I’m most proud about was actually going to the gym and being a healthier person. Running got to the point of being enjoyable for me, and I’m looking forward to starting again this term. I also did pretty well with my reduction of meat in my diet, something I plan on continuing further.

What I didn’t do well was my resistance of the new and shiny in the yarn business. I’ve certainly gotten better at controlling whims (especially now that I live in the same room as my stash) and it’s something that I hope to continue this year.

So, without further ado, here’s my list!

1.     Graduate! Now, this will happen unless I seriously drop the ball, but I need to remember that just because I’m almost finished, I still need to work harder than ever.

2.     Get into Grad School. This is the most tenuous and (it feels anyways) most helpless of all my dreams. This next week will be full of statement writing and other equally boring procedures. Hopefully it will pay off!

3.     Stay more organized. This means not putting myself through the string of all-nighters I did last term, and picking up my laundry.

The king goal of the year: Be Purposeful. I want to take my time with my decisions and make them meaningful. From choosing schools, to my wardrobe, to what I spend my time making. This year, I’m planning on kicking butt being myself.

Do you guys have any goals for the year? I’ve loved reading all the goal lists floating around the blogisphere for the last week, if you have any favourites please link them!
Now I’m going to spend the rest of the evening with some tea, homemade chocolate pie made with grandma’s recipe, some movies and my effortless cardigan.

Happy (somewhat belated) New Year!


  1. I really love your Be Purposeful goal. I think that's a saying I'm going to have to adopt for myself. I'm still in school, level (semester) 2 out of 5 for nursing school. I'll join you on that goal for Staying more organized too lol! Can't wait to see how you do. =]
    Also, congrats on your 2011 goals. It really does look like you did a lot with them!


    p.s. Here is my 2012 goals!

  2. Though I know you'll graduate, I wish you best of luck with getting into the graduate program of your dreams! And staying organized! And being purposeful!

    (sidenote: I have those beautiful Rifle Paper Co. notebooks, but I haven't mustered up the courage to open them because they're too pretty. I'm jealous that you're using yours!)

    Also, I'll be lurking the comments on this post, because I, too, am super inspired by all the motivation and resolve happening right now. I'm crafting my own resolution list, to hit my blog soon!

  3. @stephjmg
    I wrote my grad statement last night, it's so intimidating! It looks like I'm only applying to one place, so I've gotta go all in on that sucker. And those notebooks are to encourage me to actually work on my honours project before the month it's due. At least I'll want to head out to the library with these in my hand! (Hopefully, anyways)
