This term is shaping up to be a doozie. Between my full course load, trying to prepare my Honors thesis, applying to grad school, being the VP of the undergrad department organization and participating on a number of committees, it's not surprising that I haven't been around the internet.
My knitting time has been small, mostly working on WIP's hanging around my basement, so nothing to report. I did, however, just place my orders for Ysolda's new books Whimsical Little Knits 3 and Saturday Treat. My outstanding favourites from the collections are the Narwhal Mittens and the Barley Sugar cowl. I took a look at the Fyberspates yarn that Barley Sugar was written for and was pleasantly surprised to find that the yarn I had dyed earlier in the fall matches the specs and dreamy colour almost exactly. I had planned on making myself a nice circular scarf, but the boring stockinette stitch pattern I had in my head just wasn't exciting enough. Don't you love when designers read your mind?
One department I have been rather productive in is the kitchen. I spent an hour or so this afternoon making my own wontons, which resulted in the most delicious and satisfying soup ever. I got the recipe from Martha Stewart, but modified it slightly. I think my meat to other-filling-ingredient ratio was too low, resulting in a pretty meaty dumpling. This is my big meat meal of the week, so I'm not too worried about that.
Now I'm off to grab another bowl of soup, some tea, and knitting to refresh myself before getting my study on tomorrow. Are there any patterns you're excited about making? I'd love to see them!
Happy Saturday!
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