Settling In

So, I've made it across the country. It took driving through 4 provinces, 9 states, sleeping in 4 strange beds, and too many tanks of gas, but I'm here. The first week of classes was insanity. Learning how to teach problem students, drinking lots of sub-par coffee and meeting lots of new people filled my days and I couldn't help but come to my new home and collapse. My campus is beautiful and, as you can see above, is right on the river. Studying in the library and watching the rowers go by, or seeing storks in the morning isn't half bad.

I'm feeling terribly homesick though. I miss James, I miss the dog, I miss my friends. I miss the city I've come to love. I miss running into people I know. Thankfully I have some happy spaces in my room to remind me of home. (The cut-out is from Amy Victoria Wakefield and James made me the Battlestar Galactica inspired frame to house one of the only tolerable pictures of us)
In other happy news... I'M GOING TO RHINEBECK!

Yep. I've been basically seeing in caps since I officially made the plans. One of the perks of being a bit more on the eastern side of the continent is that, well, I'm more than halfway to New York. Is anyone else going? I haven't registered for any courses so I'm just planning on milling about for the weekend. Is there something I shouldn't miss?

Can't wait to meet some of you in person!


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