
Now that my classes don't start until the early afternoon for half my week, I'm afforded a bit more morning relaxation time. So I've had a giant breakfast, knitted a bit, caught up on Pinterest and my blogs and now I can come show you the fruits of my weekend creation!

I've been totally inspired by a fox-like brown/red/orange colour lately. I'm not usually a fan of those types of colours, but I guess Pinterest has and I've been dreaming of a gauzy cowl to accent the boring black and grey wardrobe that comes with fall and winter. Not to mention that all of my knitting projects require a bit of focus, so I have nothing to work on while reading my hefty load for the term. Thanks to some organization from some lovely knitters I was able to bring this skein of yarn to life!

It's almost exactly what I had envisioned. It could probably have gone a bit darker, but it's always hard to gauge what a colour will look like when dried. Either way I'm thrilled and I can't wait to have some luscious BFL/Silk hanging around my neck!

What colours are surprising you lately? I'm usually such a blue/green girl that I'm still amazed this colour thrills me as much as it does.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I usually prefer greens and yellows but at the moment I'm knitting with a brown too and I'm really liking it! I think it must be the time of year. That yarn is a lovely warm colour, beautiful! x

  2. I picked up some purple fibre at Celeigh's the other day that is surprisingly on the purple end of the spectrum. I usually don't do purple (or mottled, which this fibre is markedly so, though I imagine that will all blend nicely in the spinning) so it surprised me.

    I like your foxy yarn though.. that colour seems to have been slowly seeping into my consciousness as well. I can't wait to see what you make of it.
