
I don’t have any actual knitting content to share, though I do have a batch of undocumented FO’s to get through, I have a little late acknowledgement of an awesome nod from an awesome lady!

Earlier in the week Ariane over at Falling Stitches called me out as one of her stylish bloggers. So, in order to pass on this award, I’ve got 3 things to do.
Firstly, Thanks a million Ariane! I was, and still am, super flattered since I love pretty well everything she makes, and her ‘What’s Hot on Ravelry’ posts are always chalk full of inspiration. Her 7-interesting things also amused me, as I found out that we shared some wild hair colour and a few instruments in common!   And without further ado, here are 7 things that you probably don’t know about me:
1.     I used to be a pretty serious athlete and, even though my team sucked, I got to go to Europe twice to play Basketball
2.     I speak French mostly-fluently with a weird Prairie tinged Quebecois accent
3.     I’m learning to speak German, and it comes out with the same weird accent
4.     I currently have 5 fewer teeth than the average human being.
5.     If it weren’t for bacon, I would be a vegetarian
6.     My favourite time of the year in Edmonton is the 5 days in September where the leaves in the river valley are golden yellow. It takes my breath away every single year.
7.     I’m the biggest slob I’ve ever met.
The last thing I have to do is pass this on to other bloggers! So, here is my short list of nominations:
1.     Giulia at Drop Stitches Not Bombs: Love her knits and her beautiful changing scenery
2.     Dellybean: Officially responsible for my spinning habit, and the maker of always beautiful things!
3.     Jane of Spilly Jane: I wish I had 10 hands to make all her mittens and then wear them at all times.
4.     Steph at Crafting a Better Life: She has great taste and routinely makes my day
5.     Izabelle at Izzknit: Knitting, tattoos and adorable dogs all in the same place? Yes!
6.     Melissa at Knitting School Dropout: I can’t keep up with all her lovely designs

So, thanks again Ariane! Now I’m going to savour the last evening of my week off to work on a sweater and eat some pizza. I’ll be back with some real knitting content next week!


  1. Fun post! Congrats on your award! =]
    I really love posts with fun facts, I find them so fascinating. =]

  2. Aw, thank you so much!!! Cheers!!! Izabelle :)
