
I've been appreciating reading short little updates around the blog world, so here's what I'm currently up to:

Watching: I'm getting ready for a Harry Potter marathon to celebrate the completion of my first year of grad school! I've been eating up House of Cards on Netflix on the side as well. (Kevin Spacey is the man. Also, Princess Buttercup is his wife, so there's that.)

Eating: Since my housemates are slowly leaving the house (thank goodness!) there has been extra space in the kitchen for real-food cooking. I just made a big batch of this pasta salad from Pioneer Woman. I added some artichoke hearts and omitted the parmesan. Delicious! I've also been drinking my precious coffee from Stumptown that I picked up in NYC. Can't wait to make some iced coffee out of it!

Reading: I'm trying to line up some summer reads to take to Italy with me. Now that I'm relieved of course readings, I'd love to get some fiction back into my system. I think the first on my docket will be The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson. I'd also like to check out Big Bang by Simon Singh. I saw his lecture at NECSS by the same name, and I'd love to see what the book is like. I've read Neil deGrasse Tyson's take on a similar topic, but you can never learn enough, right? Does anyone have recommendations for summer reads?

Knitting: I currently have a UFO infestation in my room. I'm working on Cardamom, a Stockholm cowl and the Rock Island Shawl as a part of a knitalong with my LYS. My lace skills have turned up the suck and it's taken me a good 5 knitting hours to get a single lace repeat done. Of the ~15 stitch border. Hopefully I can dedicate some time and brains to it in the next few days!

Hoping: That the world calms the crap down. I've had it with disasters, natural or otherwise.

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend! I'm going to continue the celebration of being done my first year by hanging out in my sweatpants and knitting all day Monday!


More adventures!

This last weekend I had the pleasure of heading down to New York City to attend NECSS. I had such a great experience attending my first skeptical event! It was great to be around like-minded people that aren't directly associated with archaeology. (I adore my anthropology/archaeology community, but it's fun to see what people who come from different backgrounds have to say too). I also got to see my favourite podcast, The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe, be recorded live twice, which was a whole other amazing thing on it's own. So many good things.
Apart from the sciencey side of things, it was also amazing to see NYC for the first time. It's overwhelming, loud and ridiculously fast-paced. But for all the honking and sirens, there is a ton of amazing stuff going on. I had a great time visiting Warby Parker, Purl Soho, the Lion Brand Studio, Stumptown Coffee Roasters and a ton of other places. My feet have barely recovered from the torture I put them through.

I had my final presentation for my thesis project, and only about 20 pages of writing stand between me and my summer! I'm furiously planning for my trip overseas and trying to keep focused. Clearly I'm doing a good job..

What are your favourite travel knits? Of course this is the issue at the front of my brain. To pack lace? Or not to pack lace. That is the question.