Wool People 3

Here I am, trying to pare down my stash and decide what yarns are worth carrying across the country, which projects need to get finished before I go, and planning my fall wardrobe and the biggest wrench gets chucked in my progress. Brooklyn Tweed, you kill me.

I love a good hat, and all 3 in this issue are wonderful. I'm particularly smitten with the Fjord hat by Jenny Gordy, as I had planned to re-create the hat which appeared on her beautiful blog last winter at some point anyways.

And only BT could make me want to make a giant stockinette stitch scarf, but here we are. Not to mention the great palette in the scarf size which I would, and probably will, recreate. I think Jared Flood is my spirit animal or something. Every issue he curates is better than the last and I can see myself wearing a great majority of the patterns, which is something I haven't been relating to in the knitting world for awhile. What were your favourites from the collection?

Note both photos in this post are from Brooklyn Tweed.

On Change

There are a number of reasons behind my radio silence around here. I keep having things I want to share, but feel so behind that I just never end up saying anything at all.

The last few months have been pretty big for me. I graduated with my BA in Anthropology, started working again, got to move back in with James but most excitingly of all, I got accepted into a Master’s program.

This has finally begun to sink in for me as I’m looking for housing, perusing leases and planning what to cart along with me. I’ll be moving to Ontario (more on that later) and trying to clean up my life in Alberta is proving to be much more difficult than expected. While it’s exciting that I get to continue my education, I also have to face the fact that I’ll be 2 time zones away from James, my Dad, and the city I have come to love. There have been many breakdowns. Many, many of them. 

On the lighter side, I’m coming out East, folks! Since I found out, I’ve been looking at yarn stores (my town has a lovely one) and wool-themed things to do for taking my mind off my impending homesickness. Not to mention planning knits for a grad school wardrobe. I need a new one, right? I think the fates aligned because Rhinebeck lines up with a fall break! I hope I can springboard that into an opportunity to turn internet friendships into real ones!

Given the huge changes that are coming in my life, I’m planning some changes around here too. I want to expand what I do here beyond knitting into some of the other hobbies of mine, including cooking, style and living (hopefully successfully) on a small budget. Who knew being a grad student wasn’t a lucrative position? Shocking, I know.

Have any of you ever moved across the country? Any tips? I’m seriously freaking out about what to bring, what’s worth buying there and surviving my future with 4 roommates. 

Before this turns into the Iliad, I’ll leave you with a clip from Kimbra’s amazing album which got released in the US and Canada last month. She’s been on repeat ever since.